
​​​​Our School recognises the importance to prepare students for a world beyond the classroom. We are constantly challenging our young minds to take learning risks and develop positive growth mindsets.  Igniting a hunger for learning, unlocking creativity and exploring the concepts of global thinking forms our Enrichment Program at Star of the Sea.  We provide opportunities for students to challenge their learning through:

  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) projects through support in the classroom
  • Leadership Programs (Years 5 - 6)
  • Camps (Years 5-6)
  • Curriculum linked excursions and incursions (Years P-6)
  • Lighthouse Keepers Projects (Years P - 6)
  • Learning Enhancement Program include but not limited to Homework Club, STEM Club, Choir, ​Sporting Clinics
  • ​Close links with our Star of the Sea Kindergarten ​

At Star of the Sea, we recognise the importance of providing a holistic education that caters to the needs of all learners - academic, cultural, social and spiritual.  We have made a commitment to engage and nurture our students through meaningful and challenging learning experiences.​


©Brisbane Catholic Education, Star of the Sea Primary School (2024)