Specialist Lessons

​At Star of the Sea School, we have excellent, dedicated teachers who are subject experts. Our staff are highly motivated, qualified and experienced practitioners who always strive to bring out the best in students. 

Professional development of staff is of the highest priority at  Star of the Sea.  Professional development opportunities include; Religious Education curriculum and faith development, literacy and numeracy courses, ICTL training, Student protection courses, courses catering for students with special needs and school curriculum planning sessions.

In addition to our classroom staff, we have expert teachers deliver our specialist curriculum in  Auslan, Performing Arts and Physical Education.

LOTE - Auslan Specialist Lessons

"The Australian Curriculum: Languages is designed to enable all students in Australia to learn a language in addition to English. The Australian Curriculum: Languages recognises that students bring their own linguistic and cultural background to their learning, whether this is English or the target language or various combinations of languages. The organisation of the curriculum addresses learner background in the target language by providing a number of pathways and entry points of study to cater for background language learners, first language learners and second language learners." ACARA 2018

At Star of the Sea, students in Years Prep - 6 will be given an opportunity to learn Auslan. Students engage in weekly learning opportunities that will spark their curiosity and wonder. 

Performing Arts Specialist Lessons (Music, Dance, Drama)

At Star of the Sea, students in Years P - 6 will engage in weekly music lessons with Specialist Teacher.  During this time students will have an opportunity to learn music theory and practise with a range of handheld instruments. They will listen to a range of composers and discuss how music creates images and stories through a range of compositions. We can't wait to get the music started!

STEM Lessons

STEM is offered as a project base opportunity with teachers collaborating to deliver the Technologies learning area. Students in Year 4-6 are offered STEM club as an opportunity to hone their skills in technology.

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STEM capabilities will play a major role in future job opportunities, so we need to encourage and develop our student's STEM skills now. 

STEM is a pathway for students to inquire, innovate, wonder, plan, trial, design, create and more.  Star of the Sea students and staff access our Yaga-bili-ba Room (the room of making) to create and build using their imagination.​


© Brisbane Catholic Education, Star of the Sea Primary School (2024)​​